2007年3月4日 星期日

Strategy for the week starting March 4, 07

The timing is so coincident that the stock market adjused for more than 900 pts (or 5%) right after my first blog which indicated the market was extremely overheated.

Perphaps, it is time to purchase the stock if you dont have any on hand.
Something that I need to clarify first. The transactions posted last week is for a virtual protfolio. Assuming that there is HK$1m cash. The portfoilio performance at year end would compare with the market. For the ease of calculating the performance, the idle cash on hand is interest free.

For this week March 4, 07, I am pretty cofincent that the market will remain stable. The following orders will be executed if the price matches,

#941 30,000shares @ HK$71(the share may hit its short term bottom and rebound.)
#2628 100,000 shares @19 (having considered the growth potential and current market siutation, the purchase price should be below 19 for medium term holding)

HSBC is the favourite stock of quite a number of investors. We will take a look on its 06 result later this week.
